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DONGGUAN RINGER METAL CO.,LTD.A die-casting and powder spraying processing manufacturer integrating with R&D, production and sales.

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Basic knowledge of zinc alloy die casting?

Basic knowledge of zinc alloy die casting

Zinc alloy die castings are currently widely used in various decorations, such as furniture accessories, architectural decorations, bathroom accessories, lighting parts, toys, tie clips, belt buckles, various metal buckles, etc., so the sur...
Factors to be considered in the selection of surface process?

Factors to be considered in the selection of surface process

Factors to be considered in the selection of surface processing methods for CNC machined parts The machining method of the surface of CNC machined parts depends first on the technical requirements of the machined surface. However, it should...
Introduction and classification of die casting mold surface?

Introduction and classification of die casting mold surface

Introduction and classification of die casting mold surface treatment technology Introduction and classification of die casting mold surface treatment technology Die-casting molds are a large category of molds. With the rapid development of...
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